September 30 | Peninsula ProductionsStaged Reading
About The Show
By Evan Placey
Directed by Jessica Anne Nelson
As Head of Year 11, Diane is meant to be implementing the new ‘Healthy Relationships’ curriculum. But then Freddie arrives. She hasn’t seen him since that night six years earlier when he was 15. She thinks he took advantage of her. He thinks she groomed him for months. Neither is sure. But when it comes to sex and consent, how far can you blur the lines?
Sunday, September 30
Peninsula Productions
14600 North Bluff Road
White Rock, BC

A word from the artistic director
Blurring the Lines
We as a society are starting to examine what consent truly means. Recent events especially have prompted heated discussions about the complexities of what seem to some like straightforward situations. What constitutes “consent?” Who is ultimately responsible when the lines have been blurred? I think it is important that we see those questions played out for us onstage. Theatre can be a useful tool that helps us illuminate things that are in the shadows. I am very much looking forward to the “talk back” after this staged reading to hear our audience’s views.
14600 North Bluff Road
White Rock BC
V4B 3C9
(right beside Centennial Area)